Real Estate Investors, Fund Managers, and Syndicators…

Our Proven Investor Acquisition System Will Generate You Qualified Investor Calls On Demand

Step 1: Watch Some Of Our Videos And Get Acquainted

Step 2: Click On "Get Started" to Schedule a Discovery Call

Here's how it works:

Case Studies

Client Case Study #1 (~3 Weeks)

Client Case Study #1

New Leads: 385

Booked Investor Calls: 134

Live Investor Calls: 104

Capital Raised: $1,101,000 (Investments Ranging From $50,000-$300,000)

Before Raise Accelerator, our client had completed the first $4MM of her raise "by hand" (going to conferences, hositng events, and following up with investors manually.

After installing our proven investor acquisition system, they are getting new accredited investors coming to them every day!

Asset Class: Ground Up


Location: Dallas, TX

Raise Structure: $20MM

For The Project (Raised In Traunches)

Client Case Study #2 (~30 Days)

Client Case Study #2

New Leads: 1,259

Booked Investor Calls: 199

Capital Raised: $3,325,000 (Across 35 Investments)

Before Raise Accelerator, our client was behind on a capital raise and needed to catch up quickly. They had tapped out their existing investor network and needed new leads coming to them.

After installing our proven investor acquisition system , they now have accredited investors coming to them consistently. Not only smaller investors looking to invest $50k-$100k, but also larger investors with 7 or 8 figures to invest!

Asset Class: Value Add Multifamily

Location: Multiple Projects (Sunbelt & Midwest)

Raise Structure: $5-$15 Million Deal By Deal Syndications.

Other Client Wins!

The State Of Online Capital Raising

If you're looking to raise capital online, you used to have two lackluster options.

1) Masterminds & "Coaching Companies." These companies promise insights, strategies, and a roadmap to success.

But what happens after?

The daunting task of implementation falls back on you. As a busy real estate entrepreneur, you do not have the time to do what they tell you to do.

2) Freelancers & "Marketing Agencies." These companies have a decent understanding of marketing, but no understanding of the intricate nuances of real estate private equity and syndication.

What ends up happening is you having to step in and fix what they started, resulting in even more work than if you did it yourself.

We bridge the gap between strategy and execution.

Our deep-rooted industry knowledge ensures we speak your investors' language and don't need constant guidance.

With us, you're not just getting a plan; you're getting a proven system, rapid implementation, and amazing results.

Meet the Founder



Rohan Saxena is a digital marketing expert. He started in the organic marketing space, where he built over 700,000 organic followers across various client accounts.

He then expanded out into other facets of digital marketing including email marketing, media buying, funnel building, and more. Since 2021, he has managed numerous email campaigns, built dozens of funnels, and now manages over $30,000 / month in advertising spend for clients.

Rohan Saxena is a digital marketing expert. He started in the organic marketing space, where he built over 700,000 organic followers across various client accounts.

He then expanded out into other facets of digital marketing including email marketing, media buying, funnel building, and more. Since 2021, he has managed numerous email campaigns, built dozens of funnels, and now manages over $30,000 / month in advertising spend for clients.

How To Get Started

Step #1: Book A Call. Click Below, Fill Out The Application, and Schedule A Call With Our Team.

Please note, we only work with clients that have been in business for 3 years, have at least 1 successful exit, and are looking to raise at least $1MM.

Step #2: Onboarding Call. Assuming we're a good fit to work together, we sit down on a "brain dump session" where we take you through our entire investor avatar creation process.

Once that’s done, we take care of everything else, all you have to do is spend 30 minutes filming what we tell you to film.

Step #3: Launch. Once you launch, you will quickly see qualified leads generated, investor calls on your calendar, and wires from new investors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need experience?

The short answer is yes. We believe in working with clients that are experts in real estate in order to provide the best returns and lowest risk profile to the investor leads we generate. Our minimum criteria are: three years in the business, one property successfully exited, and target raise of over $1MM.

Should I be doing this when I don't have a deal?

Yes. As the saying goes "dig the well before you're thirsty." The worst thing that can happen is that you get an amazing deal under contract and then have to scramble for funding because you don't have the investor base. Our system solves this issue.

How long does it take to see results?

From your onboarding call, we are able to launch within 14 days assuming you provide us the materials we need. Once launched, you will see qualified leads within 3-7 days, booked investor calls within 14 days, and funded investors between 30-45 days.

What ad channels do you use?

We start all of our clients' ads on Facebook and Instagram for two reasons. First, due to the speed of results (the shorter learning phase allows for leads to be generated within 3-7 days). And second, due to the favorable age demographics. We see that the average accredited investor is between the ages of 35-55, and use Facebook and Instagram because they have the most users in that age demographic.

Is this the same as hiring a freelancer on Fiverr/Upwork?

No. Freelancers are great for certain things, but this is not one of them. In order to achieve success with digital marketing, you must have well crafted messaging that separates your fund / syndication from the hundreds of other funds & syndications in the marketplace. A freelancer simply cannot provide that level of service.

To Get Started, Book A Free Discovery Call!

To Get Started, Book A Free Discovery Call!


Free 30-Minute Discovery Call

By the end of this Discovery call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take to raise capital using the Raise Accelerator system.

Find a time on Rohan's calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

Please note, due to custom messaging we create for each client, we only take on 3 new clients per month.

Our Mission Is To Help You Raise Capital On Demand

Raise capital WITHOUT giving away a large slice of your deals to Wall Street.

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